The Two-Houses of UK Parliament

The Palace of Westminster is an instantly recognisable building which sits next to the River Thames in central London. More frequently known as the ‘Houses of Parliament’, the building is the home of both the House of Commons and the House of Laws - the two main components of UK Parliament.
The role of Parliament is to make laws, check legislation, and debate current issues. The two Houses share these responsibilities, and any decisions made in one House have to be approved by the other.
The difference between the two Houses is the way in which members are elected. The House of Commons consists of MPs (Members of Parliament) who have been voted for by the public. The political party with the largest number of MPs goes on to form the UK government.
The House of Lords consists of members who have been specifically nominated by political parties and are usually chosen on the basis of their specialist experience and knowledge.


Gunpowder, Fires and a Rebuild